Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Look at this cruddy map and be amazed.

Hey guys, Here is a basic map of the area (Click on it for the full size) you will most likely be frolicking around on Thursday. The city of twist is located to the left, with a shallow river running beside it (to the left) and down into the extremely dense Galadh forest, which is home to the wood elves and all sorts of other things. The forest is very difficult to navigate through and most adventurers, let alone common folk end up getting lost and rarely making it back out. To the right of Twist is a smaller forest that has a simple beaten path down. Most Caravans go through here, but bandit reports have become more and more common lately. Most take the path through the forest despite this since the land to the south of this small wood is covered in various hills and it takes much longer to bring a wagon through. To the right is rocky terrain. A huge chasm lies between the hilly plains and the Chalm mountains further to the east. There is a bridge going across but it's difficult to get to and most do not bother. One of the paths out of Twist leads to the Halfling Village, also called Chalm. Trading negotiations between Chalm and Twist have been strained lately (just as they have been with the wood elves), and fewer and fewer traders make their way out both due to this and the bandits.

I know I mentioned that it was likely that Cousteau went west on the last session, but actually what everyone said was that it was likely he was east. The bandits are East. You just misheard them all. *cough*

Let me know if you have any questions regarding the map. I'm not the best at spatial reasoning so something might very well be kind of confusing.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Adventure! Action! Suspense! Drama! Xenophobia!

All this and more awaits you when you roll the D20!

So, this will be the blog that will be used for communication from now on. I will be posting extra information, maps, NPC bios and other things here. Once you join and I can approve you to post, you can join in with recaps from the POV of your char, sketches, your char. history and other stuff. We'll also be using this to plan sessions. Please use this first post as a general discussion for the upcoming session on Aug 5th as well as any questions you have before that session. I'll have a map up by late tomorrow night to give you guys a general view of the area around the city of Twist.

Wooo. DnD.